

This incredible story was born approximately 4,000 years ago and belongs to the now extinct Sumerian culture. The myth tells the story of Gilgamesh, demi-god king of Uruk, to whom the gods create an equal -Enkidu- so that he learns to be a human.

Love is not red

Colo meets Ana in a bar and they fall in love, but Ana moves to Las Grutas with her partner, so he travels to find he

Psychedelics and Mental Health

Amid the growing mental health crisis, an unconventional solution for treating various afflictions is emerging: psychedelic therapy. In South America, where many of these substances originate, psychedelic therapy is gaining ground.

Executive production


Moacir’s album

With almost 30 years of delay, Moacir Dos Santos achieves his dream of recording a record with songs of his own and some interpretations.

Final Stage book

Absolute Chronicle, diary of my two years of geriatric internment, without plot, without purpose or definite plan, in Recta final there is not an iota of fiction and much less of composition.

The tree that grows on the wall_book

The Tree of the Wall is the name of the book published in October 2012 that the psychoanalyst and poet Eva Puente wrote after countless hours of conversation with Jack Fuchs.