Presented as the personal diary narrated by Tomás Lipgot, the story reviews the years of friendship with Moacir, and how this friendship changed the life not only of Tomás, but of the small family of friends that he made with his love and charisma in the last years of his life.
The documentary depicts all the primary emotions of cinema, of daily life, of wounds and of play, to show what the love of friendship looks like.
Duermevela presents
2021 74 minutes- HD. Sound 5.1 / Argentina
Direction , Script and Production Tomás Lipgot:
Edition: Leandro Tolchinsky
Cinematography and Camera: Javier Pistani
Music: Pablo Urristi
Sound Director: Ana Mouriño
Color: Lucila Kesselman
Production Chief: Nicasio Fernández
Associate producer: Sergio Roizenblit / Miração Filmes (Brazil)
Moacir dos Santos – Tomás Lipgot – Marisa Bracellos- Sergio Pángaro – Noelia López -Ruy Alonso – Cristina Gartland – Graciela Pellaza