It’s not easy being a gypsy. “It’s easier to say it than to be it,” says one of the main characters in Shame and Respect. It’s not easy being a gypsy and, for a payo (that is to say, for a non-gypsy), it’s also not easy to understand what that implies –prejudice, it’s known, never allows one to see clearly. Shame and Respect is built up on the opposite side of those prejudices. It’s a restrained documentary that stops to observe (never to judge) the everydayness of a gypsy family in suburban Buenos Aires. The Campos open the doors of their home (those that, as they say time and time again, form a clear border between the outside and inside worlds) as well as those of a millennial tradition that is now forced to adapt to the contemporary world. One thing is clear: being a gypsy is, now and forever, being the bearer of a complex universe, of an identity that finds its unity and strength in family, its compass in honor, and its heart in music. So much so that, filled as it is by folk singing, guitars, handclaps and flamenco box drums, Shame and Respect becomes an undercover musical.
Script and direction: Tomás Lipgot
Cinematography: Nicolás Richat
Edition: Leandro Tolchinsky
Sound direction and direct sound: Hernán Severino
Image postproduction: Javier Pistani
Executive Producer: Nicolás Herzog
General Producer: Tomás Lipgot, Nicolás Herzog
81 ’| 2015 | Argentina | Documentary film
Rating: ATP
Produced by Duermevela in co-production with Rumba Cine
With the support of:
National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA)
Film University Foundation (FUC)
National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI)
– XI Tandil Cinema, Official Competition. WINNER OF THE PUBLIC PRIZE
-Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival (BAFICI 2015)
-Santiago International Film Festival (Sanfic 2015)
-International Independent Film Festival of Mar del Plata (Marfici 2015) International Documentary Competition.
– Indian Cine Film Festival, Mumbai, India
– SURMIC 2015, Osorno, Chile
– Solidarity Film Festival, Barcelona
– Human Rights Festival, Barcelona
– Latinuy 2015- Uruguay- PUBLIC AWARD
– XXXI Edition of the Cipolletti National Independent Film and Video Contest.
– XIII Festicineamazonia, Brazil
– Prisma Bariloche Festival 2015
– 7th Film Festival of Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Cinema, Valparaiso, Chile
– Concordia Social Film Festival, Entre Rios, 2016
– Rio Grande Film Festival, Tierra del Fuego 2016
– 19 cine las Americas, Austin, Texas
– Cycle of cinema «Los otros» C. Cultural de la Memoria Haroldo Conti, June 2016
– XII Festival of Diversity, L´Hospitalet, Barcelona, June 2016
-12 Piriáopolia Film Festival, focus of Unusual Cinema
– GZDOC, Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival, China
– 33 International Film Festival of Bogotá, Colombia. Social Documentary Competition
– IndieWise Virtual Festival 2016