Fefe and Beba (2021) 90 minutes.
Genre: Dramatic Comedy- Adventures.
Direction: Tomás Lipgot
Script: Tomás Lipgot and Andi Nachón
Felipe is ten years old, he has Asperger syndrome, he knows how to program but he never remembers the name of his bank partner in private school. He is a fan of robots and leans on Nico, the Science workshop coordinator, and his only close bond.
At home, his parents Víctor and Amparo, live a comfortable life between business and the Club. They barely pay attention to their son, who gets lost in computers and programming projects.
Classes are about to end, when the family suffers a deep setback when their great uncle Pedro dies. They uncover the economic embezzlement in which the family business is, and at the funeral they meet again with Ángeles, their father’s mother, who’s kind of eccentric and hippie. To escape the pressure of their defrauded investors, the parents travel to Miami to solve the financial situation.
Without consulting them, they leave Felipe in the care of the grandmother, who’s dragged into the family’s economic problems and is force to take care of that grandchild she barely knows.